Monday Dec 11, 2023
There’s been a disaster in the Black Forest. Dry weather caused by climate
change has caused a forest fire and the Black Forest is ablaze.
Only the MeteoHeroes can prevent an environmental catastrophe, and there’s no time to lose! Pluvia and Nubess are chosen for this mission; the two MeteoHeroes reach the North Sea quickly with the Jet Stream. Then they go to work! Nubess and Pluvia almost get trampled by a stampede of fleeing animals! Nubess creates a propeller with her hair that helps her avoid the stampede, while Pluvia uses a downpour of rain to stop part of the fire. That’s when Margherita decides to send in Thermo as back up.
But the evil Maculans are lying in wait, stoking the fire with their billowing breath. Will they stop our heroes?