Monday Sep 18, 2023
There’s been a disaster on the Australian coast of the Pacific Ocean: a whale got itself tangled in a construction net which was dumped into the ocean. The whale is now beached, and signalling to the rest of it’s pod to rescue it, but if the other whales try to help the beached whale out, they’ll become ensnared in the garbage as well!
Only the MeteoHeroes can prevent an environmental catastrophe, and there’s no time to lose! Nix and Nubesss are chosen for this mission; the two MeteoHeroes reach the Australian coast of the Pacific Ocean quickly with the Jet Stream. Then
they go to work! Nubess gives the beached whale shade using her hair as a parasol, Nix uses her Ice Shurikens to free the beached whale from the construction net.
But with the rest of the pod on a collision course with the dangerous garbage, will our heroes be able to stop them from getting tangled up?