MeteoHeroes’ Adventures Podcast
The official MeteoHeroes Podcast in english. Save Planet Earth with the MeteoHeroes! Fulmen, Nix, Nubess, Pluvia, Thermo and Ventum are six ordinary kids who discover that they have extraordinary powers: they can control the weather! With the help of the Meteo Expert Center (aka the MEC) located on the Gran Sasso mountain in Italy, they learn to handle their superpowers and to use them to solve the challenges our planet faces every day. And of course, as well as learning what it means to be superheroes, these kids have to face everyday challenges all youngsters face: handling friendships aast weblog. Voice Actors Credits: AudioWorks Producers Group - New York Tempus and Fulmen: Rory Max Kaplan Margherita Rita and Nix: Chelsea Best Nubess: Connie Costanzo Ventum: Eddy Lee and Cary Tedder Thermo: Justin Anselmi Pluvia: Anne Chamberlain Dr. Makina: Matt Ban and Dave Wills Jesse Parks: Wolf Williamson

Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
In addition to oil and coal, there are sources of clean energy such as the sun and wind, which man can use to produce electricity

Monday Sep 18, 2023
Monday Sep 18, 2023
There’s been a disaster on the Australian coast of the Pacific Ocean: a whale got itself tangled in a construction net which was dumped into the ocean. The whale is now beached, and signalling to the rest of it’s pod to rescue it, but if the other whales try to help the beached whale out, they’ll become ensnared in the garbage as well!
Only the MeteoHeroes can prevent an environmental catastrophe, and there’s no time to lose! Nix and Nubesss are chosen for this mission; the two MeteoHeroes reach the Australian coast of the Pacific Ocean quickly with the Jet Stream. Then
they go to work! Nubess gives the beached whale shade using her hair as a parasol, Nix uses her Ice Shurikens to free the beached whale from the construction net.
But with the rest of the pod on a collision course with the dangerous garbage, will our heroes be able to stop them from getting tangled up?

Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
How much plastic is present in the oceans and seas? Let's learn to recycle it, let's learn not to use single-use plastic.
Support associations that protect and assist animals damaged by human action

Monday Sep 25, 2023
Monday Sep 25, 2023
There’s an emergency in Rome, Dr. Makina’s factory is creating acid rain that’s melting the Coliseum! Only the Meteo Heroes can save the day, and there’s no time to lose! Ventum, Nix, Pluvia and Thermo are chosen for this mission; the four Meteo Heroes reach Rome quickly with the Jet Stream. Then they go to work!
However, soon they discover Dr. Makina has his Maculans in to thwart the Meteo Heroes, will they be able to stop the acid rain and save the Coliseum?

Wednesday Sep 27, 2023
Wednesday Sep 27, 2023
CLOUDS: How many types of clouds are there? What are clouds made of? Why are some clouds white while others are black?

Monday Oct 02, 2023
Monday Oct 02, 2023
Due to global warming or due to dishonest behavior by some people, we are witnessing the desertification of oases in the Sahara area. For millennia, oases have been a source of livelihood for populations and their animals.

Friday Oct 06, 2023
Friday Oct 06, 2023
Water is precious, don't waste it. Listen to the podcast to find out how to save the “blue gold” water.

Monday Oct 09, 2023
Monday Oct 09, 2023
There’s an emergency in Yosemite National Park California, Dr. Makina is going to make the endangered Yosemite Wooly Sunflower go extinct to manufacture perfume! Only the Meteo Heroes can save the day, and there’s no time to lose! Nix and Thermo are chosen for this mission; the two Meteo Heroes reach Yosemite National park quickly with the Jet Stream. Then they go to work!
However, soon they discover Dr. Makina has sent an Arachno Monster Maculan after the flower, will Nix’s and Thermo’s powers be able to defeat a monster eight times the size of their normal foe?!

Monday Oct 16, 2023
Monday Oct 16, 2023
There’s been an emergency in the Jiangsu province of China. Air pollution is choking entire cities! Planes can’t even take off because the smog is so thick! And people can’t breathe the polluted air!
Only the MeteoHeroes can prevent an environmental catastrophe, and there’s no time to lose! Pluvia and Ventum are chosen for this mission; the two MeteoHeroes reach the Chinese province quickly with the Jet Stream. Then they go to work! Ventum and Pluvia notice a plane’s flying blind amongst all the smoke, and help guide to safety.
But the smog is making everything looks scarier than it is, and Ventum’s overactive imagination has him seeing Dinosaurs everywhere. Will that stop our heroes?

Monday Oct 23, 2023
Monday Oct 23, 2023
Air pollution is one of the main problems that humans are facing. In many areas of the world there are cities in which it is difficult to breathe due to the use of old systems and old fuels for the production of energy

MeteoHeroes project starts in 2015 with an idea from Luigi Latini of the Meteo Expert Center, one of the most important weather center in Europe and IconaClima
The solution of climate and environmental issues is potentially in the hands of today’s children, who in the future will have to face the problems of an overpopulated, stressed planet.
Ecology, respect for nature and its dynamics are all part of the knowledge that new generations will need to face the increasing challenges that await them and at the same time increase their identity as global citizens.
These are the premises that form the basis of the MeteoHeroes TV series, a co-production between Meteo Expert Center and Mondo TV.