MeteoHeroes’ Adventures Podcast

The official MeteoHeroes Podcast in english. Save Planet Earth with the MeteoHeroes! Fulmen, Nix, Nubess, Pluvia, Thermo and Ventum are six ordinary kids who discover that they have extraordinary powers: they can control the weather! With the help of the Meteo Expert Center (aka the MEC) located on the Gran Sasso mountain in Italy, they learn to handle their superpowers and to use them to solve the challenges our planet faces every day. And of course, as well as learning what it means to be superheroes, these kids have to face everyday challenges all youngsters face: handling friendships aast weblog. Voice Actors Credits: AudioWorks Producers Group - New York Tempus and Fulmen: Rory Max Kaplan Margherita Rita and Nix: Chelsea Best Nubess: Connie Costanzo Ventum: Eddy Lee and Cary Tedder Thermo: Justin Anselmi Pluvia: Anne Chamberlain Dr. Makina: Matt Ban and Dave Wills Jesse Parks: Wolf Williamson

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  • Amazon Music


Friday Oct 27, 2023

Which means of transport pollute and how to pollute less when we have to move around the city.

Monday Oct 30, 2023

There’s an emergency in Australia! Dr. Makina is fish farming an invasive species of carp in the Murray-Darling river basin. The carp are chasing away all the local fish! Only the Meteo Heroes can save the day, and there’s no time to lose! Fulmen and Thermo are chosen for this mission; the two Meteo Heroes reach Australia quickly with the Jet Stream. Then they go to work!
However, soon they discover Dr. Makina’s Maculans have formed a Maculan Fly, in order to thwart the Meteo Heroes. Will they be able to stop this oversized pest and save the Australian habitat from the invasive carp?

Friday Nov 03, 2023

Biodiversity is sometimes endangered by the presence of non-native species. This occurs either for causes due to global warming (animal species move to land or sea areas where it was previously too cold for them) or for causes attributable to men who move new species to new areas only to breed them and get rich without take care of the damage they will cause to the local eco system.

Monday Nov 06, 2023

There’s been a disaster in a river, where toxic waste is being dumped and destroying all the life in and around the water.
Only the MeteoHeroes can prevent an environmental catastrophe, and there’s no time to lose! Nubess and Pluvia are chosen for this mission; the two MeteoHeroes reach the USA—Mexican border quickly with the Jet Stream. Then they go to work! The two soon discover the toxic waste is coming from a nearby factory, but inside the factory Pluvia’s powers stop working because of all the pollution!
But the evil Maculans are lying in wait, we discover them dumping toxic waste down a drain deep inside a hidden room inside the factory. Will they stop our heroes?

Friday Nov 17, 2023

Monday Nov 20, 2023

The children’s band practice is interrupted by an ALARM! An automobile accident has caused a massive traffic jam in frigid Moscow. The trapped, idling cars (which must be kept on so their heaters can warm the stranded passengers) are creating a huge, polluted smog cloud over the city! It’s serious air pollution! At the request of the mayor of Moscow, The MeteoHeroes dispatch Pluvia and Thermo to assist. Upon arrival the mayor tells them a mother, young daughter and their dog are trapped in their car following the accident, but emergency workers cannot reach them because of the car-clogged roads. Pluvia rushes to help them, while Thermo gets to work dispersing the huge smog cloud... He has all the drivers turn off their engines, using THERMAL AURA to warm them in lieu of their car heaters... Yet the smog bank remains: becca eit’s full of Maculans! Working together, Pluvia and Thermo push their powers to the limit and successfully blow the smog away without allowing any harm to befall the motorists below. Another dramatic mission accomplished!

Monday Nov 27, 2023

A large traffic jam in a European city.  Moscow is among the European cities with the greatest traffic and the greatest traffic jams.

Friday Dec 01, 2023

There’s an emergency in Italy: a river is flooding because a drain is all blocked up with debris! Only the Meteo Heroes can prevent an environmental catastrophe, and there’s no time to lose! Nix and Ventum are chosen for this mission; the two Meteo Heroes reach Italy quickly with the Jet Stream. Then they go to work! Ventum and Nix save a child from falling into the river and locate the blocked drain!
However, the evil Maculans are lying in wait, creating geysers out of sewer manholes and connecting the debris together, so the Meteo Heroes can’t easily remove it from the blocked rain. Will our heroes be able to clear the drain and save the village from the flooding river?

Friday Dec 01, 2023

What pollutes water? Hear how we can prevent pollutants from getting into the water

Monday Dec 11, 2023

There’s been a disaster in the Black Forest. Dry weather caused by climate
change has caused a forest fire and the Black Forest is ablaze.
Only the MeteoHeroes can prevent an environmental catastrophe, and there’s no time to lose! Pluvia and Nubess are chosen for this mission; the two MeteoHeroes reach the North Sea quickly with the Jet Stream. Then they go to work! Nubess and Pluvia almost get trampled by a stampede of fleeing animals! Nubess creates a propeller with her hair that helps her avoid the stampede, while Pluvia uses a downpour of rain to stop part of the fire. That’s when Margherita decides to send in Thermo as back up.
But the evil Maculans are lying in wait, stoking the fire with their billowing breath. Will they stop our heroes?



MeteoHeroes project starts in 2015 with an idea from Luigi Latini of the Meteo Expert Center, one of the most important weather center in Europe and IconaClima

The solution of climate and environmental issues is potentially in the hands of today’s children, who in the future will have to face the problems of an overpopulated, stressed planet.

Ecology, respect for nature and its dynamics are all part of the knowledge that new  generations will need to face the increasing challenges that await them and at the same time increase their identity as global citizens.

These are the premises that form the basis of the MeteoHeroes TV series, a co-production between Meteo Expert Center and Mondo TV.

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